


Vasyl Andriyashko, tapestry, decorative and applied art, art, artist, creativity, art industry


The purpose of the work is to highlight the work of Vasyl Andriyashko in the direction of the art industry of 1960–1980. Results. The issue of the art industry of the 1960s–1980s is quite relevant today. First of all, this is due to the fact that the modern art of striving for diversification and giving industrial facilities and places of public stay something unique and unusual. Yes, people want to see a building that is not similar to another and its appearance indicates what purpose it fulfills. In particular, the room, the interior of which has interesting solutions, gives visitors a sense of comfort and peace. In addition, the employees of such an institution are motivated to work, because the image of their work is creatively elaborated. So the art industry of the past is able to influence the present. Studying previous experience helps to avoid past mistakes and form new artistic approaches. Besides, at the center of such industrial art is a person, namely what he wants to see and what he wants to feel. In general, the article highlights the work of Vasyl Andriyashko in the direction of the art industry of 1960–1980. The specifics of the art industry as a direction of art in the 1960s–1980s are characterized. The features of this time period are described. The reasons for the popularity of the art industry in the 1960s and 1980s are revealed. The main locations where works of the art industry were used as a component of the institution's design were identified. The main milestones of Vasyl Andriyashko's life have been determined. The main works of the artist and his influence on the art industry of the 1960s–1980s are characterized. The specifics of the tapestries "Bloom, Ukraine" and "Sisters", as well as "Nativity scene" are described. A comparison was made between the tapestries of the 1960s–1980s and the 1990s. The main tendencies of Vasyl Andriyashko's creativity have been determined. The article demonstrates the symbolism of the artist's images. Emphasis is placed on floral ornaments and images of women. At the same time, it is demonstrated that the artist tried to preserve traditional Ukrainian symbols and elements. Methodology. The work uses such research methods as description, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study consists in improving knowledge about Vasyl Andriyashko's contribution to the art industry in the period of the 1960s–1980s. Conclusions. According to the findings, Vasyl Andriyashko's work had a significant impact on the contemporary art industry. The artist created a number of tapestries that recreated Ukrainian culture and symbols. His most famous tapestries are "Bloom, Ukraine" and "Sisters".


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How to Cite

ДЯЧЕНКО, А. (2023). VASYL ANDRIYASHKO’S CREATIVITY IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ART INDUSTRY 1960–1980. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 119–124.

