Ukrainian culture, choreographic culture, cultural code, folk dance, folk stage dance, dramatic performance, national drama theaterAbstract
The article highlights the process of folk-stage dance's entry into the dramatic performance. This process was not always smooth. But, as a result, the Ukrainian dramatic performance was born, which was based on the symbiosis of music, dance and dramatic action. Dance ceased to be an additional element and began, along with other expressive means, to characterize the main characters and to be an element of the development of the storyline of the performance. The article analyzes in detail the use of folk-stage dance as a means of expression in dramatic performances of the past and present. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the plays "Verkhovyntsi", "Dovbush", "Hutsul Year", "Halka", "OleksaDovbush", "Hutsul Wedding", "Stolen Happiness", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" in productions by both past and present authors. The principles of using folk-stage dance in dramatic and musical-dramatic performances are highlighted. The purpose of the study is to investigate and analyze folk-stage dance in performances of the past and present. To highlight the main provisions of the interpretation of folk stage dance in a dramatic performance. Research methodology. The article uses a number of research methods, namely: historical, descriptive, systematic. The comparative method made it possible to find out the mechanisms of the origin of the Ukrainian dramatic performance, its formation and development. The work uses a comparative analysis and synthesis of professional works by researchers in the fields of ethnography, cultural studies, and art history related to the topic of the article. Research methodology. The article uses a number of research methods, namely: historical, descriptive, systematic. The comparative method made it possible to find out the mechanisms of the origin of the Ukrainian dramatic performance, its formation and development. The work uses a comparative analysis and synthesis of professional works by researchers in the fields of ethnography, cultural studies, and art history related to the topic of the article. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the fact that it explores various aspects of the folk-stage dance of Prykarpattia in the context of its inclusion in a dramaticperformance. Conclusions. The use of folk stage dances of the Carpathian region in dramatic performances is quite wide and varied. Folk dance has become a significant component of performances. In the first performances, choreographers aimed to popularize folk dance. In today's realities, folk-stage dance has gone through a difficult path of adaptation and has become an integral part of the repertoires of modern drama and music-drama theaters in Ukraine. Choreographic performances are based on the laws of folk-stage dance: they have stage drama, complex movements and paired supports, but there has been a change in the manner of performance from folk to academic.
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