art, art online education, electronic services, educational environment, virtual environmentAbstract
The article is a systematic study in the field of adaptation of traditional methods of teaching art to modern online formats. The article presents a complex approach to the adaptation of art lessons that combines pedagogical, psychological and technological components. The purpose of the research is to systematize and study methods for adapting traditional pedagogical approaches to modern online formats. This will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the educational process and guarantee the effective assimilation of educational information in the era of digital communication. Research methodology. A systematic analysis was used to study scientific literature, articles, publications, work with sources that already exist on this topic to obtain a general understanding of the issue. Case Studies – Researching specific examples of art lessons that have been adapted for an online format to determine the most effective approaches. Semiotic Analysis: Examining the symbols, signs, and images used in online art course materials to understand how they affect the perception and learning of the material. Technology Analysis: Assessing the platforms and tools used to deliver art classes online, as well as their accessibility, convenience, and effectiveness. Scientific novelty. A comprehensive analysis of existing methods of adapting art lessons for the online format was carried out, which allows teachers to gain a holistic understanding of the issue. It offers the latest tools and platforms that can be used to effectively conduct online art classes. New approaches to the adaptation of art lessons have been identified and developed, which take into account the specifics of the distance learning format and the psychological features of information perception through the screen. Conclusions. The article offers solutions for improving the quality and effectiveness of education in the digital age. The article provides specific tools and methods that can be used by teachers to adapt art lessons to the online format, which contributes to the efficiency and quality of the educational process. With detailed descriptions of tools for online art classes, educational institutions can determine the most suitable technical solutions for their needs.
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