spirituality, universal values, truth, good, beauty, personality, self-improvement of the personality, cultural studies disciplinesAbstract
The concept of humanitarian education envisages teaching disciplines aimed at a deep study of the place and role of man in the history of world civilization, in complex historical processes. These are primarily such subjects as ethics, aesthetics, art history, cultural studies, history of world and national culture. Each of these disciplines has its own specific features and tasks, occupies a special place in the structure of humanitarian knowledge and is an "open" science capable of constantly enriching the body of knowledge, reflecting the dynamics of life processes. Covering the entire sphere of human feelings, they study the relationship between man and the world, influencing the formation of human spirituality. The aim of the article is to study the dynamics of spirituality formation, to identify the influence of cultural disciplines on the formation of spiritual qualities of a personality. Scientific novelty. Spirituality and soulfulness as dimensions of human life are studied as a cultural problem. It is substantiated and emphasized that spirituality is the basis of human life, the formation of personal culture, that is, the process of self-knowledge and creative attitude towards oneself begins with the discovery and cultivation of spirituality. It is determined that spirituality is the main principle of self-construction of the individual and society, a necessary condition for a free and creative attitude to personal and social life. In conclusion to the article it is noted that spirituality is associated with the desire to embrace life in its entirety. It is a necessary condition for the self-development of the individual and society. It is also emphasized that spirituality as a desire for fullness, richness and significance of life is associated with a deep awareness of one’s being, its meaning, purpose and highest good. Thus, spirituality is the main principle of self-construction of the individual and society, a necessary condition for a free and creative attitude to personal and social life.
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