guitar, Jorge Morel, performance skills, playing techniques, composerAbstract
The purpose of the article is to outline the peculiarities of the creative activity of Jorge Morel, a leading guitarist, composer and teacher who made a significant contribution to the development of guitar art of the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries. Research methodology. Coverage of the peculiarities of the artist's creative heritage requires the use of biographical method, method of analysis, method of synthesis, etc. Scientific novelty. It has been found that Jorge Morel's unique performing style and experience of collaboration with prominent musicians have formed the potential for further improvement of guitar playing skills. His role in shaping new standards of guitar performance is emphasised. Virtuosity in playing ultra-fast passages, powerful energy, rhythmic elasticity of polyrhythmic constructions, which were inherent in Morel's performance style, influenced the increase in requirements for guitarists-practitioners. Conclusions. The peculiarity of Jorge Morel's compositional style is his appeal to classical genres – the concerto for guitar and orchestra, sonatina, etc. Often the composer uses established structures and forms. However, they are interpreted in a completely new way due to the updated thematic content, which illustrates the influence of Latin American rhythms, genres, etc. Such innovations, which are manifested in the synthesis of the achievements of various stylistic trends (jazz, classical, Latin American music), are progressive in nature and are gaining great success with the audience. The sphere of rhythmic motor skills, unrestrained dance, which contain extraordinary energy in a concentrated form, became the features of the works composed by Jorge Morel. At the same time, the artist was able to convey another sphere with the help of the guitar – penetrating lyrics, emotional sincerity, and multifaceted sensitivity. It was this combination of virtuosity and emotional sincerity that made Jorge Morel's works an important contribution to the treasury of guitar art. His loyalty to the chosen creative path, which he followed until his old age, allows us to say that his life is an example for many guitarists. The pursuit of performing versatility and a strong potential for creative development should be an ideal for young guitarists.
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