



project, graphic design, function, target need, stylistics, identification, author, practical significance, Myron Yatsiv


The article examines the understudied applied graphic segment of the creative output of the Lviv graphic artist, teacher Myron Yatsiv (1929‒1996). Purpose. The main goal of the study, in the context of a short retrospective review, is to highlight the design practice of the famous Lviv graphic artist Myron Yatsiv in the direction of developing graphic products for visual communication, military paraphernalia and uniforms. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is formed on the historical and selective principle of researching the graphic heritage of a group of artists of the 20th century, in particular the Lviv teacher and designer Myron Yatsiv. The methods of analysis, statistics, comparison, and generalization are used to clarify the thematic and stylistic approaches in the applied segment of the graphic design of the represented author. Results. The role and significance of graphic art in the development and establishment of utilitarian design, in particular for the needs of the patriotic-military state-building sector, is revealed. In the context of the problems of the development of applied Ukrainian graphic design, typological groups of design work were analyzed and identified, in which artistic and design activity is related to the design and development of products for patriotic identification and military needs of establishing the state independence of Ukraine. The natural influence of modernist principles on the interpretation of the visual image is characterized, which is characterized by characteristic compositional and color techniques inspired by European trends with the use of unique symbolic and symbolic codifications. It was found that the conceptualization of the development of this type of products is marked by an important applied segment in the general structure of the needs of the military sector of the state and a significant identifier and visual motivator for the patriotization of the public community. Scientific novelty consists in identifying the role of personalized artistic and design design for the military-patriotic segment of the state and representation of figurative and stylistic features, identification of this type of graphic design on the example of distinguished Ukrainian artists. Practical significance. The results of the research complement the understudied theoretical-scientific, visual-analog base of Ukrainian art and design practice, provide an opportunity to demonstrate author's approaches in project solutions on the way to the establishment and development of modern Ukrainian utilitarian design.


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How to Cite

РАДОМСЬКА, В., & ТИРПИЧ, М.-М. (2023). HISTORICAL AND PATRIOTIC THEMES IN THE APPLIED GRAPHICS OF MYRON YATSIV. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (5), 34–40. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-5-6

