vocal school of the Kyiv сonservatory, historical model, department of chamber singing, continuity of experience, Ukrainian singers, chronology.Abstract
The purpose of the work is to study the prerequisites for the creation in 2017 of the first and only department of chamber singing in Ukraine in the context of studying the chronology of the vocal school of the Kyiv сonservatory. Research methodology. Comparative-historical, typological, descriptive, retrospective methods of analysis, modeling, observation and generalizations of music-pedagogical experience are applied; archival sources of information were developed. The article presents the annals of the department of solo singing of the Kyiv сonservatory in the names of its dignitaries, teachers and lecturers who have educated more than one generation of outstanding Ukrainian singers and vocal teachers. The main feature of the vocal school of the Kyiv сonservatory (since 1996 – the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music) is defined as continuity of experience. It was noted that, founded in 2017 after the separation of the department of solo singing, the graduating department of chamber singing became a powerful center of higher vocal education. The department offers a master's degree, an assistantship, and a creative postgraduate course. The educational work among students of the department consists not only in mastering narrowly one-sided professional means: in the developed methods, an interdisciplinary projection of the totality of knowledge about musical art has been accumulated, which is an undoubted evidence of the real process of cultural genesis in the creation of a modern vocal artistic space. Scientific novelty: the achievements of the chamber singing department of the vocal school of the Kyiv Conservatory are reviewed for the first time. Conclusions. It was determined that the chronicle of the vocal school continues to replenish and strengthen the achievements of the national and world treasury of musical art. This school, as a historical model of musical life, embodies the content of professional vocal education in Ukraine during the periods of formation, development and flowering of the main forms of the educational process. The study of aspects of the activity of the department of chamber singing as the inheritor of the experience of the vocal school of the Kyiv сonservatory contributes to the determination of the prospects for its development in the modern time-space of national culture. The direction of the main features of the Ukrainian vocal school is mostly consistent with stylistic trends and peculiarities of musical thinking of specific historical periods of cultural development. The presence of integral complexes of knowledge in the field of spiritual enlightenment is of particular importance. The important historical mission of the vocal school of the Kyiv сonservatory is intended to contribute to the identification, research and preservation of the experience of the existing, as well as the study of the newly created knowledge complexes in the field of musical art, – absolute authority in musical and educational metasystem of national culture.
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