Zakarpattia Region, accordion and button accordion music, folk instrument performance, institutions of primary music education, accordion and button accordion class.Abstract
The aim is to reveal and generalize the processes of development of accordion and button accordion classes in the institutions of primary music education in Zakarpattia Region over the second half of the 20th century and in the early 21st century. Methodology. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature and information sources dealing with the topic of study; methods – deduction from the general to the specific, systemic method, dialectical method; comparison and generalization of the obtained data. The articles also incorporates the author’s direct impressions and experience of creative communication with the leading figures of accordion and button accordion music in Zakarpattia. Scientific novelty. The article elaborates on the artistic activity of the institutions of primary music education in Zakarpattia Region in the context of the development of accordion and button accordion music in the region. To get the full picture of the development of accordion and button accordion classes in the music schools of the region, the author monitors the way these instruments were and are taught to play in the leading institutions of primary music education in the area: Children’s Music School No. 1 of Uzhgorod and Uzhgorod Children’s School of Arts, the S. Marton Children’s School of Arts of Mykachevo, Khust School of Arts, Irshava Children’s School of Arts, Svaliava School of Arts, the B. Bartok Children’s School of Arts of Vynohradiv, the Z. Kodai School of Arts of Berehove and Rakhiv Children’s Music School. Conclusions. Professional academic accordion and button accordion education in Zakarpattia Region was founded by S. Marton and P. Tereshchenko. They were the first to start teaching playing these instruments in the region and brought up the first generation of accordion and button accordion teachers and performers. Active development of accordion and button accordion music in Zakarpattia Region in the second half of the 20th century was due to the establishment of the system of professional music education. This included the opening of a professional music school in Uzhgorod and of a significant number of children’s music schools. This process was largely stimulated by the creative activity of the highly professional musicians and pedagogues from Uzhgorod State Music School, who combined concert performance and pedagogical activity, working in a creative way to educate new professionals.
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