genre mergers, musical trends, musical interpretation, pop and jazz vocals, music industry.Abstract
Purpose: the purpose of this work is to analyze and reveal the phenomenon of genre fusion between jazz and pop elements in contemporary music, to reveal the value of multiculturalistic performance aspects of the world's popular culture, and to assess the impact of globalization on the formation of musical and vocal styles that include elements of different genres. Methodology: the research includes a musical analysis of the compositions, the historical connection of musical genres in terms of their use in musical performance, as well as an analysis of the experience of influential Western musicologists, namely Simon Frith, a British sociologist, musicologist and others. The analysis of the structure, harmony, melody and rhythm of the compositions, the combining elements of jazz and pop music; historical review in the context of the evolution of jazz and pop arts; corporate approach of comparing a number of compositions and artists to identify common and unique performance features, as well as a qualitative study of the audience's perception and reaction to genre synthesis. Scientific novelty: identification and analysis of new trends in the non-classical music space aimed at combining different styles and genres and performance features in contemporary music is first considered in national musicology in the context of world trends. One of the elements of this study is the emphasis on singing manners, the mixing of which leads to the birth of new vocal coloring, the emergence of new techniques and trends in the art of pop. A detailed examination of these trends constitutes the scientific novelty of this work. Conclusions: the qualitative indicators of the education of pop and jazz vocalists depend on a detailed understanding of the components of an artist's success/demand. To do this, one needs to understand not only vocal techniques, but also the etymology of their origin. A systematic understanding of the prerequisites of certain trends encourages the search for and invention of solutions to the issues of one's own individuality, creativity, and uniqueness for the artist's future promotion. These important aspects should be taken into account in the educational process as integral specific components of the specialty. The integration of Ukrainian pop art into the world stream depends entirely on the generalization of the world's achievements of the pop genre as such.
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