phytodesign, phyto motifs, social poster, social advertising, graphic design.Abstract
The article examines the design of a social poster as an effective means of social advertising, a genre of visual communication, a method of influence, a form of information transmission, an indicator of current issues, a carrier of cultural trends, a synthesis of visual and verbal content using artistic metaphors and various symbolic images, including plant images. The purpose of the work is to identify the peculiarities of using elements of phytodesign in social advertising in the context of their symbolism, pictorial and formative means in graphic design, in particular, in social posters. Methodology. At the empirical level of the study, the methods of observation and description were used to collect primary information. At the theoretical level of the study, the methods of analysis, systematization, and generalization of theoretical data were used. The methods of stylization of natural forms in social advertising (analogy, transformation, association, combination, formalization) are highlighted. Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of using phyto motifs in the design of social advertising, in particular in social posters, in the context of artistic means, symbolism and their influence on perception are revealed. It has been determined that phyto motifs have an impact on the formation, stylization of images, symbolic and sign content in social advertising. It is substantiated that floral symbolism creates harmony and sensuality in images, enhancing the content of the information message and its emotional perception, so elements of phytodesign are often used in social advertising. The article highlights a promising trend, namely, the combinatorics of various means of stylising natural motifs, the synthesis of artistic means and symbols (related or antipodes), which has an emotional impact and effectiveness of conveying a social message. Conclusions: 1. The key principles of designing a social poster (graphic expressiveness, clarity of images, conciseness, relevance to the subject) are indicated. 2. The semantics and combinatorics of colours in social advertising, which are a means of revealing the content of the form of natural motifs, are taken into account. 3. The peculiarities of using elements of phytodesign in analogues of social advertising in the context of artistic means, symbolism and their influence on perception are revealed. The conceptual, artistic, figurative, and symbolic features are highlighted: coverage of the symbols of the Hero Cities of Ukraine, metaphors of suffering and hope, metaphors of Ukrainian culture, national identity, symbolism, emotional states through the images of phyto motifs; use of symbolic phyto motifs from Ukrainian embroidery; combination of antipodean symbolism of plant motifs; addition to female characters. 4. The article highlights stylistic, formative and technical features: computer graphics; photography; use of plants in compositions; decoration and formalization of natural forms; graphic stylization or collage of phyto motifs from Ukrainian embroidery; paper cutting; combination of live and paper elements of phytodesign.
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