



abstract art, relevance, effectiveness, modern, subjective.


The article highlights the author’s position regarding the definition of modern narratives of the effectiveness of the abstract in the functioning system of today’s fine art, presents for public review the key aspects of the analysis of the reasons and principles of the appeal of current domestic artists (painters, graphic artists, sculptors) to abstract expressiveness as such. The motivating factor for conducting such a study was the desire to find out what is the most significant and significant for the fullness of expression in this area. The purpose of the article – is to give an assessment of the abstract as a factor and an expression of the modern actions of domestic artists, to determine the relationship between the actuality stipulated in it and the «pursuit of the modern». Methodology. The mechanism for consideration of the raised questions is built on the basis of a complex analysis of the nature of the abstract, its relevance in the search processes of modern artists for innovative forms of creative expression. The main methods of work are search-bibliographic, art history, diachronic-synchronous, observational, analytical, comparative, integration, abstraction, differentiation, systematization. Scientific novelty. For the first time, an attempt is made to objectively derive the algorithm of the artist’s productive realization through the prism of the abstract, appealing directly to the motivations, principles and mechanisms of using the means of abstract expressiveness. Two key aspects with which modern domestic abstractionists in principle are connoted are identified: the essence of one is revealed through the formula of actions «from the objectively demanded and actual to the subjective expression of the elaborated», and the second – in a radically opposite movement – «from the subjective, individual before going public». Conclusions. It is emphasized that a work of art appears as a result of the birth and realization of a creative idea. Therefore, only the author can directly judge the degree of achievement of the intended goal in the work. However, in this study, it was not so much the quality of abstract works performed by modern Ukrainian artists that was «under evaluation», but the very principles of work in this field, the mechanisms of the authors’ selection of algorithms for the execution of works of this type, the search for their content, the manner of stylistic and figurative presentation and techniques technical embodiment of the visualized.


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How to Cite

СИДОР, М. (2024). ABSTRACT IN TODAY’S ART: CONDITIONED RELEVANCE AND CHASING THE «MODERNEN». Fine Art and Culture Studies, (2), 99–104. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-2-13

