contemporary Ukrainian art, The Korsaks’ Museum of Contemporary Ukrainian Art, media presentation of the artist, mass media, sociocultural processes, cultural policy, Lutsk Biennial of Contemporary Art.Abstract
The article’s material is compiled from sociocultural research on the art market in modern Ukraine. The author attempts to conduct a cultural analysis of communication between the native artist and the spectator through media representations, namely in the locations of the Korsaks’ Museum of Contemporary Ukrainian Art. The purpose of the article is to carry out an analysis of the activity of MSUMK in terms of the informational and communicative function, to reveal the significance of using the interaction of arts and mass media in the process of artistic cognition. Methodology. The purpose of our research determined the use of methods of open source analysis, biographical method, video content analysis, observation, synergistic and semiotic approaches. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a cultural study of the activities of the private Korsaki Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art as a developer of innovative approaches in communication with artists, viewers and the local community was carried out. Conclusions. Contemporary art, connected with science, philosophy, aesthetics, politics, sociology, and psychology, is the hallmark of the state on the international cultural map. The artist’s role in creating new meanings in the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation, its path to cognition of its own identity, and finding its place in the contemporary world is currently scantily investigated by cultural scholars and therefore underestimated at the state level. Since February 24, 2022, the state of Ukraine and Ukrainian society have taken significant mental and legislative steps against the Russification of education and culture within a few months, which they were unable to do during three decades of independence. At the time of armed resistance to Russian aggression, Ukraine is in dire need of developing not only a defense doctrine but also a cultural strategy that will allow it to get rid of the influence of the culture of the “Russian world” and Soviet narratives forever. The contemporary Ukrainian artist is becoming a leader in changing the paradigm of the society’s mindset and is an intriguing object of cultural observations and research.
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