choral art, conductor, methodical advice, communication, motivation, technical training, organizational aspects, continuous educationAbstract
The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations for conductors of folk choirs, aimed at increasing the efficiency of their work. The research methodology includes an analytical method – for studying existing scientific works and methodical recommendations in the field of choral art; observation method – to study the practice of folk choirs and the methods used by conductors; comparative method – for comparing different approaches to the management of folk choirs, which allows identifying the best practices and adapting them to modern conditions. The scientific novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the management of folk choirs, which includes the development of methodological recommendations, the study of technical aspects of the preparation of performances by choral groups, the integration of modern technologies into the process of rehearsals and concerts. The article raises for the first time the issue of ensuring psychological comfort and maintaining the morale of choristers. The article discusses the key aspects that contribute to the successful performance of a conductor of a folk choir. The main attention is paid to the psychological comfort of the team members, which is ensured through open communication and an individual approach to each chorister. Emphasis is placed on the importance of supporting the morale of choir members by using methods of praise and recognition. The article examines the technical aspects of performance preparation, including collaboration with sound engineers, stage design, and costume selection, which directly affects performance quality and audience perception. An important component of a successful concert is the careful planning of concert programs, the choice of venue and format of the performance, as well as effective promotion and advertising. Particular attention is paid to innovations in choral practice, such as the introduction of the latest technologies in the process of rehearsals and concerts, as well as the adaptation of modern musical genres for choral performance. The importance of continuous education of the conductor, which allows to keep abreast of new techniques, teaching methods, as well as pedagogical and psychological approaches to work with the team, is emphasized. The article highlights the problems faced by choral groups in the context of globalization and economic challenges. At the same time, positive aspects are emphasized, such as the possibilities opened up by modern communication technologies and the growing interest in authentic and experimental choral art. The conclusions of the article contain recommendations for conductors on effective leadership of choral groups, increasing motivation and commitment of participants, as well as adaptation to modern conditions and challenges.
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