



iconography, national identity, national memory, sacredness, tradition


The article is devoted to the study of contemporary Ukrainian iconography as an important component of the formation and preservation of national identity. The relevance of the study is due to current socio-political changes: Ukraine has undergone significant socio-political changes over the past decade, such as the Revolution of Dignity and the fullscale Russian invasion. These events have a huge impact on the national consciousness and need to be comprehended through artistic forms, including iconography. The purpose of the article is to show how contemporary Ukrainian iconography not only preserves traditions but also actively responds to modern challenges, contributing to the formation and strengthening of national identity. The study emphasizes the integration of political, social, and cultural themes into traditional religious imagery that reflects the historical and contemporary context of Ukraine. It analyzes the works of leading Ukrainian iconographers who use iconography to reflect key moments in national history, such as the events of the Maidan and the depiction of prominent historical and contemporary figures. Special attention is paid to works that portray the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, emphasizing the importance of national memory and heroism. It was found that contemporary iconography, combining the sacred and the secular, contributes to the formation of a conscious attitude towards national identity, patriotism, and spirituality. The article also highlights the role of iconography in the development of emotional and social competence, the formation of critical thinking and responsibility for one’s own life. Thus, contemporary Ukrainian iconography is not only a means of religious worship, but also a powerful tool for national self-awareness and cultural preservation.


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How to Cite

ВЕРБИЦЬКА, Л., & ВЕЛИКИЙ, Р. (2024). СONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN ICONOGRAPHY AS A REFLECTION OF NATIONAL IDENTITY. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 206–212. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-3-28

