animation activity, innovation, carnival, socio-cultural events, traditionAbstract
The purpose of the paper. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the carnival as a type of animation activity in the modern socio-cultural space of Ukraine. Methodology. For its implementation, the following methods were used: bibliographic heuristics – to study the degree of development of the problem; comparative analysis – to identify similarities and differences of modern carnival events in different regions of the country; historical and genetic – to trace the evolution of the carnival in individual settlements; systematization and classification – to classify carnivals and distinguish its characteristic features. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors analyzed the existing approaches to the classification of carnivals proposed their own system of systematization of carnival events in modern Ukraine and identified their characteristic features. Conclusions. So, after analyzing the existing systematization of carnivals and investigating their specific manifestations, we propose to divide modern Ukrainian carnivals into «authentic» and «imitation». We believe that traditional carnivals in Ukraine are mainly represented by the celebration of Masnytsia and Malankovannya. They are based on authentic traditions, often supplemented by modern directing techniques and the use of the latest technologies. The main difference between such modern holidays and «classical» ones is their focus not so much on the local consumer as on the tourist. «Imitation» carnivals often fit into the framework of wider celebrations, being their bright part, and not an independent event. Both local and borrowed cultural traditions are widely used in their direction. Despite the unconditional interest of tourists in such actions, we believe that they are primarily aimed at the local consumer. This especially applies to carnivals that take place as part of the city day celebration. At the same time, we note that the issue of the semantics of modern carnivals in Ukraine and the combination of different traditions in them requires further study.
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