



chamber vocal creativity by V. Kosenko, musical style, romanticism, modernism, symbolism, neoclassicism.


The relevance of the research lies in the formation of a new discourse of Ukrainian musical culture, an important task of which is to rethink the meaning of the creative legacy of composers who have already become classics of Ukrainian music. The creativity by V. Kosenko, despite its popularity and significance, is generally underestimated in terms of scale and multidimensionality. The stylistic dominants of his music, which for a long time was considered in the context of romanticism, also require clarification. The purpose of the research is to determine the stylistic paradigms of V. Kosenko’s chamber vocal music in the dimensions of musical modernism. The research methodology involves the use of general scientific and special methods, including systemic, comparative, historical cultural, and musical analytical. The scientific novelty. The research identifies and systematizes modernistic features of V. Kosenko’s chamber vocal music, characterizes the romances «They Stood Silently», «The Poplars Are Mobilizing», «The Old Song» in the stylistic paradigms of modernist music. Conclusions. The chamber vocal music by V. Kosenko of the early period, outlined as post-romantic-symbolist, is distinguished by laconicism, symbolist understatement, enhanced psychologism, ecstaticity as a form of conveying emotional states and the technique of constructing the dramaturgy of the work, the priority of the piano weight of cantilena in the vocal part, orientation toward the late-romantic style, characterized by the complication of the harmonic vertical. In the artist's late compositions, which reflected neoclassical tendencies, a tendency toward a «new simplicity» is noticeable, which is characterized not only by an appeal to ancient genres of European music, but also a return to the transparency and clarity of forms and musical speech inherent in the classical period of development of European music. Polystylistically is a feature that unites both stylistic dominants in the creativity by V. Kosenko, and the connecting factor in the style of the composer’s evolution is the music of romanticism, which not only forms his individual style, but also reflects the specifics of Ukrainian modernism, which is characterized by renewal within the framework of tradition, and not its destruction.


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How to Cite

ЦЗІН, Ц. (2024). FEATURES OF MODERNISM IN THE CHAMBER VOCAL CREATIVITY BY VIKTOR KOSENKO. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 67–74. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-4-10