choral art, Ukraine, 20th century, national musical culture, choral traditions, repertoire, conductors, regional features, composersAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the development of choral art in Ukraine in the 20th century, which played a key role in the formation of national musical culture. Attention is paid to the stages of formation and evolution of choral singing, in particular professional and amateur directions, and the impact of social and political changes on this process is revealed. The choral art of this period is characterized by genre diversity, innovative approaches to performance, and the popularization of Ukrainian music on the international stage. The study highlights the influence of the historical and cultural context on the formation of choral traditions, which affected the theme and ideological orientation of the works. The article examines how political events, such as the establishment of Soviet power, the Second World War, and the Thaw Age, influenced the specifics of the development of choral art. At the same time, the role of choral singing in the preservation of national identity and resistance to assimilation is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the activities of leading Ukrainian composers, conductors and teachers who made a significant contribution to the development of choral art. The creative achievements of Mykola Leontovych, Kyryl Stetsenko, Levko Revutskyi, Hryhoriy Veryovka and other artists who enriched the Ukrainian choral repertoire are considered. Innovative methods of teaching choral singing and the organization of activities of leading choral collectives, in particular the State Honored Chapel of Ukraine “Dumka” and the choir named after Hryhoriy Verivka, are analyzed. The regional aspect of choral art is studied separately. The specifics of the development of choral traditions in different parts of Ukraine, in particular in the western, central and southern regions, are considered. Emphasis is placed on the unique interaction of professional and folk singing, which contributed to the harmonious development of the choral repertoire and performing practices. The conclusions emphasize the importance of choral art for the preservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage, its influence on the formation of national consciousness and its role in strengthening cultural ties of Ukraine with other countries. The article also emphasizes the importance of further study of this phenomenon in the context of modern challenges.
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