


music, philosophy, aesthetic principles of Confucianism, Daoist conceptions


The article focuses on Old Chinese philosophy conceptions within music art. Basic aesthetic Daoism and Confucianism principles concerning creativity and place of music in the life and in the Universe are explained.
The objective of the paper is to analyze fundamental belief constants of Chinese traditional philosophical thinking about music art, to find general principles and differences in understanding its functions in nature and society.
Methodology of the investigation is complex, in particular, the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis, which help to consider different aesthetic conceptions and to unite received results into a single whole; comparison, aimed to find distinctions in Chinese philosophic principles concerning music; generalization – as a result, explained and logical conclusion is made. Scientific novelty of the article consists in finding out the essence of Chinese aesthetic conceptions concerning music art, in elucidating distinctions between fundamental philosophic doctrines of Confucianism and Daoism in music aspect. In the paper acting (educational, upbringing) function of art in Confucianism is emphasized as well as its importance in social and political life. Special attention is paid to Confucian conception of neutralism in art, which is important basis in studying Chinese music. Aesthetic principles of Confucianism are elucidated and are located in chapter “Notes about music” of the book “Li chi”. It is clarified that Daoist aesthetics represents quite different attitude to music. Within this doctrine music art is understood as inactive, created by nature itself. Music sound is taken as something all-embracing that penetrates everywhere and is embodied into “Tian Lai” (Heavenly sounding), where also “sounds of the earth” and “human voices” belong to. Such sound is created by itself without any activity and its aesthetic characteristics are also natural and selfsufficient. It is a music of free self-expression, direct embodiment of human emotions. In conclusion it is emphasized that Dao philosophy and Confucius`s musical thoughts are broad sphere for reflection and investigation, indispensable treasure of Chinese culture. Taking into account that today, when intercultural dialogue is more and more popular, Chinese philosophy is an important source of understanding musical compositions of the East, embodiment of artistic conceptions and ideas.


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How to Cite

ВАН, Я. (2022). MUSIC ART IN THE LIGHT OF OLD CHINESE PHILOSOPHY. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 19–27.