intermediality, inter-artistic synthesis, libro-model, performance, rhythm-timbreAbstract
The purpose of the work. The article on the example of V. Muzhchyl’s performance «Podolannia» reveals the specifics of intermedial connections in modern choral compositions. The methodology of exploration relies on the unity of analytical, comparative, structural and functional, tone and language methods and the principles of interpretive, semantic, stylistic analysis of a musical work that combines different types of art. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time Ukrainian science singled out the libro-model of Ukrainian modern choral composition. V. Muzhchyl’s performance «Podolannia» presented features of this composition. It uses the full range of means of expression of the performing arts. The conclusions. The composition acts as a stylistic antipode of genre models of choral works and is a postmodern metamorphosis of the genre with an emphasis on inter-artistic synthesis with a pronounced directorial component. «Podolannia» of V. Muzhchyl‘s is a mono-intonation one-part concert poem, where the leading role belongs to the ostinato rhythmic refrain, which symbolizes the course of Time as Eternity. At the same time it is a philosophical idea of creativity as a way of life (the theme of the Artist). Literary basis consists of fragments from canonical texts, poems by S. Shchypachоv, words and phonemes introduced by the composer. In the work, the role of the author-performer is delegated to the choir and other actors – soloist, reader, ballet couple, mimans. The score contains the author’s recommendations on the lighting of the stage, the acting of the soloist and choristers, stage props. The performance contains such unique attributes as polyfunctionality, conceptuality, sharpened dialogic, freedom of form, modern choral texture, stylistic sonorous coloring, the presence of leitrhythm theme, polyphony of tessitura timbres, complex authorial-performing artistic action created online.
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