modern choreographic art, future choreographer, innovative methods, teachingAbstract
The purpose of the research is to summarize and present the features of the application of innovative methods of teaching modern choreographic art in higher education institutions in order to ensure the further successful employment of future specialists. Methodology. The research used general scientific (generalization, comparison, induction and deduction) and empirical-theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis). The use of system-structural analysis made it possible to distinguish the main features of the application of innovative methods of teaching modern choreographic art. Novelty. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the article is due to the solution of an important scientific task, which consists in the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations regarding the analysis of the features of the application of innovative methods of teaching modern choreographic art. The article further developed the research on the implementation of innovative methods in higher education institutions for teaching modern choreographic art. Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that an innovative approach in teaching modern choreographic art consists in modern modeling, organization of non-standard lecture-practical, seminar classes; development of a new knowledge evaluation control system; individualization of teaching aids; application of computer and multimedia technologies; educational and methodical products of a new generation. It was established that the methods of choreographic training of student choreographers are system objects that combine a number of interrelated actions of the teacher and student choreographers, which are directed to the performance of educational, developmental, educational and control functions. It was determined that the main innovative methods and techniques used in the process of teaching modern choreographic art include demonstration-image (visual) methods, verbal methods, artisticcreative (practical) methods, interactive methods and techniques of choreographic training. It was established that artistic and pedagogical technologies for the professional training of student choreographers are poorly integrated into the practice of teaching in educational institutions, therefore they are used to a lesser extent in the educational process.
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