folk Ukrainian music, chamber and instrumental music, folklore, anthem of UkraineAbstract
Folk Ukrainian music, having passed a difficult historical path, having survived and won the right of deep respect, at the stage of the formation of modernity and the development of a free independent Ukraine, is a national, cultural, spiritual and patriotic heritage that influences the formation of Ukrainian national consciousness of the modern generation, contributes to the improvement and embodiment of national ideas and characteristics of our people in time and space for socio-cultural development. Studying and preserving its national roots, deepening the study of folklore fundamentals, lighting and outlining Ukrainian culture gives impetus to the unification of creative imagination, which can be freshly and interestingly, fruitfully and innovatively combined with modern genres, trends, styles of the musical future. Ukrainian folk music impresses with its color and colorfulness, each village or town has its own songs, carols, music, its own history. Folklore is a living organism, with its scars and renewals, not a dry mummy, but an eternally young beauty, which, thanks to the memory of its people, is constantly transformed, renewed and becomes richer. Folk Ukrainian music plays an important role in chamber and instrumental music. Over the decades, we have seen the development and creative growth of hundreds of masters of musical creativity who glorify our state. And the main task of the present is to transfer from the historical past, through the diverse present to the secret future. Ukrainian music is heard and sung all over the world. The anthem of our state is heard in different parts of the world in support of our strength and indestructibility. Our glorious history, always accompanied by music. Defenders, soldiers who defended, defended and will defend our daughter going into battle, resting after the attack, sing songs when wounded, remembering and uniting with their home and loved ones.
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