internally displaced persons (IDPs), martial law, migrants, territorial community, social adaptation, integration, coping, coping resources, coping behavior, local self-government.Abstract
The article discusses the problems of social adaptation of IDPs in the territorial community under martial law. The purpose of the article is to analyze effective ways of promoting the social adaptation of IDPs in territorial communities at their new place of residence under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The research methodology consisted of a set of research methods of a theoretical nature (analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation). It was noted that after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the number of IDPs increased several times compared to 2014. It was emphasized that the majority of IDPs, in addition to issues of housing, employment, material and medical assistance, need social and psychological assistance and legal support. The success of the adaptation of IDPs in the host communities is affected by: the lack of proper conditions in the territorial community (underdevelopment of social infrastructure, lack of funding, insufficient qualified specialists who could provide the necessary assistance, imperfection of the mechanisms for informing the displaced about the resources available in the community) and individual psychological characteristics of the individual. Social services and specialists in social work play a significant role in solving the above-mentioned issues in determining the needs of IDPs first. The formation of coping skills and coping resources, which ensure optimal adaptation of IDPs to stressful situations under martial law, is revealed. The authors proposed conditions for effective integration of IDPs into the community, which are components of adaptation. It has been proven that the necessary conditions for the implementation of territorial development programs are: inter-partner cooperation of the IDPs themselves, the public sector of business structures, state authorities and local selfgovernment. Therefore, the long-term and protracted nature of the stay of IDPs in places of resettlement requires the formation and implementation of a special state program to attract the powerful integration potential of forced migrants, where local self-government bodies play a significant role.
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