adaptation, primary psychological assistance, forced migrants, hostilities.Abstract
The purpose of the work is a theoretical analysis of the adaptation of forced migrants and the provision of primary psychological assistance during hostilities. For more than a year, a full-scale war has been going on in our country since February 24, 2022, which was talked about a lot, but no one believed that this could happen in the 21st century. Real military operations, shelling of cities and settlements, brutality and looting of civilians by the aggressor state, which positions itself as oriented towards European humanistic values, had a huge psychological impact on the population of our country. This led to mass migration of people both outside the country and inside. In connection with the mass migration of people, a very wide range of issues has arisen on the adaptation of internally displaced persons, forced migrants to new living conditions and the provision of primary psychological assistance to those who are under conditions of psychological stress from hostilities. All this greatly affected the mental health of the forcibly displaced people. Mental health is an essential part and most important component of health. The WHO Charter states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important consequence of this definition is that mental health is the absence of mental disorders and forms of disability. (Психічне здоров'я) Mental health promotion includes actions that promote psychological health. These may include creating an environment that supports mental health. An atmosphere in which basic civil, political, socio-economic and cultural rights are respected and protected is the foundation of mental health. In the absence of the security and freedom provided by these rights, it is difficult to maintain a high level of mental health. (Психічне здоров'я) In turn, timely provision of primary psychological assistance to internally displaced persons and forced migrants contributes to easier adaptation.
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