corruption, social security, anti-corruption culture, anti-corruption policy, state standards.Abstract
Among the main processes of modern social development, the majority of scientists single out globalization. Ukraine, as one of the largest European states, possessing great economic and geopolitical potential, cannot remain aloof from world trends. However, public managers, politicians and scientists need to remember the numerous obstacles that inevitably accompany such important phenomena for society. And perhaps the most dangerous threat to the development of society today is corruption. In Ukrainian society, unfortunately, the stereotypes of tolerance regarding corruption and related crimes are getting stronger. The article found out that in order to change this situation, to form citizens' anti-corruption awareness and strengthen their anti-corruption motivation, it is necessary to implement a set of preventive measures, in particular educational, educational and informational in nature, aimed at explaining to citizens the essence, danger and all negative consequences of corruption for society, the spread among citizens of ideas of intolerance to manifestations of corruption, the formation of high anti-corruption legal awareness and proving the benefits of law-abiding behavior, etc. The purpose of the study is to highlight and analyze the main aspects of the formation of anti-corruption culture in Ukrainian society; determined by modern trends of preventive anti-corruption legal awareness in the social security system. Methodology. Thanks to the use of methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of normative legal acts and documents, it was established that the formation of an anti-corruption culture and legal awareness of society is an important task in the way of preventing and countering corruption in Ukraine. Systematic activity in a number of main directions is necessary to solve this task. Results and practical significance. It has been found that in order to build and form the opinion in the mass consciousness that corruption crimes cause significant damage to society, it is expedient to deploy in the form of a long-term strategy for the development of Ukraine, developed on the basis of public consent and enshrined in a special law, which should become a basic document for the activities of the national government. The next stage of the scientific analysis should be a detailed analysis of each direction of the formation of anti-corruption culture.
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