bullying, prevention, social prevention, forms and methods; systematic approachAbstract
The creation of a safe environment as a condition for the formation of democratic values is a guideline for the development of the state. The problem of bullying in a secondary education institution and the creation of a safe, nonviolent educational environment is extremely acute. Bullying is a common form of violence among teenagers, and it is important to note that bullying is a hot topic in secondary education, given the legislative scope. Secondary education institutions aim at comprehensive development of the child, creation of conditions for assimilation of effective models of behavior with peers, however, frequent bullying and high level of conflict among peers does not allow to fully achieve the set goals. The article updates the problem of bullying in a secondary education institution, considers the features of bullying (harassment) in a secondary education institution, defines typical signs, types of bullying and its factors. The Ukrainian experience of bullying prevention among the public and public sector is considered. Effective forms and methods of work aimed at preventing bullying among teenagers are characterized. The authors of the article came to the conclusion that currently it is urgent to make changes to the prevention system through the use of a systemic approach that will contribute to the prevention of bullying (harassment) in a secondary education institution; formation of respect for the rights and freedoms of a person, in particular a child; creating an atmosphere of safety in the adolescent environment by ensuring the process of constructive communication between adolescents and the environment. The solution of the mentioned problems actualizes the issue of building a safe and non-violent environment in the secondary education institution, which involves the introduction of preventive classes and effective methods of work to combat bullying in the secondary education institution into the education system.
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