



family, dysfunctional family, types of dysfunctional families, consequences of family dysfunction, types of children's characters, social and pedagogical work


The family is a social institution of primary socialization and upbringing, the environment that developes the personality.
Nowadays, more and more modern families face many problems in the process of their functioning: instability of marital relations, poverty, unemployment, increasing cases of violence, reducing the level of parental responsibility etc. That is why
such families need the support of a social pedagogue in matters of upbringing a child and performing the functions assigned
to them. The article highlights problems of the dysfunctional family and its consequences for the child's development.
The work of a social pedagogue with the family is divided into two large groups: the harmonious families, prosperous
in psychological and pedagogical meaning, and problematic, dysfunctional. The author presents various classifications
of dysfunctional families. The fact is that socio-pedagogical and social work, specialists work more thoroughly with clearly
dysfunctional families in practice. However, for effective socio-pedagogical work with modern families it is necessary to
know and take into consideration the peculiarities of the functioning of other, at first sight, prosperous families. A distinctive
feature of such families is that the relationships of their members on the external, social level make a positive impression,
and the consequences of improper upbringing are invisible at first sight. The article presents the characteristic features
of the following families: «distrustful», «frivolous», «devious», «calm family, at first sight», «volcanic», «family sanatorium»,
«family fortress», «family theatre», «odd-man-out», «family with an idol», «masquerade family».
The typical consequences of family unhappiness on the upbringing and development of a child are considered. Emphasis
is on the consequences of the influence of the psychological climate of the family, its way of life, family upbringing,
the behavior of the couple on the formation of the characteristics of the child. The most common types of children's
characters are described: hypocritical, ambitious, good-natured, neglected, violently neglected, oppressed.
It is concluded that in every unhappy family there is a cause or a set of causes that cause external manifestations,
dysfunction and create unfavorable environments for the development and upbringing of children. That is why such
families especially need the support of a social pedagogue. The special knowledge of the main characteristics of different
types of families will allow to carry out effectively professional activities, helping a disadvantaged family to gain positive
social experience, learn social values and organize their lives on this basis.


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How to Cite

БЄЛКІНА-КОВАЛЬЧУК, О. (2021). DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT. Humanitas, (3), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2021.3.3

