child, family, child's best interests, safety, child's rights, child's needs, psychosocial support.Abstract
The article attempts to explore the theme of ensuring the best interests of the child in crisis conditions. The purpose of the article is to define and characterize the conceptual and content-technological accents of ensuring the best interests of the child in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The article applies a theoretical analysis of modern scientific literature regarding the subject matter of the research, a review of normative-legal documents at the international and Ukrainian levels, and a generalization is made to draw conclusions about the content and priority factors of ensuring the best interests of the child in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The meaning of the family, the right to participate, and the safety for the child are explored. It is emphasized that the concept of ensuring the best interests of the child is very flexible and cannot be generalized. It is determined that the best interests of the child during the war are to ensure the safety of the child and to provide adequate attention to the child's key needs and difficult life circumstances. It is emphasized that in the conditions of war, ensuring the best interests of the child involves: monitoring and exchanging information about the location and condition of the child, her/his needs and interests, as well as needs and interests of the child's parents/ guardians, brothers and sisters; search and reunification of family; psychosocial support and social services for the child and her/his family; comprehensive humanitarian support for children's biological families; if necessary, the exclusive priority of placing the child in a family environment; development of alternative forms of care for the child, if the parents have lost the opportunity to care of the child; taking into account the child's opinion when solving issues concerning her/him; effective interaction of subjects among themselves and with institutions of civil society to make an effective decision. The model (content, stages) of psychosocial support of a child within a territorial community in war conditions is characterized in more detail.
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