martial law, vulnerable population categories, care, documentation, elderly people, social service, social workerAbstract
The article considers the elderly people as one of the most vulnerable population categories, which in the conditions of martial law needs special support and faces a number of physiological, psychological and social problems. It is noted that one of the main tasks of the social protection sphere in such conditions is to ensure that senior citizens are provided with appropriate support in a timely, accessible and high-quality manner. Types of care for the elderly people (care at home; inpatient care; day care; palliative care) are presented according to the Classifier of social services. Attention is drawn to the simplification of the criteria for receiving and providing social care services under martial law. In particular, special requirements are put forward for the content, scope, conditions, order and documentation of the organization and the process of providing social services for the care of the elderly people. Attention has been paid to simplifying the criteria for receiving and providing social care services under martial law: the possibility of involving in the provision of services workers and volunteers who do not have documents confirming their professional level; expansion of opportunities for elderly people to receive social services for care, including in the process of their placement in a residential care institution for inpatient care; preparation of a minimum package of documents for the provision of care services to elderly people in an emergency (crisis). It is noted that for the recipients of social care services, only a written or oral application is sufficient, which can be in the form of such documents as a statement from an elderly person, a statement from a legal representative, a notification from an authorized person of a guardianship authority. For social service providers, the document drawn up based on the results of the assessment is an act on emergency (crisis) provision of social services to an adult. Emphasis is placed on a client-centered approach to each elderly client during the provision of social care services, in particular regarding the terms of their provision, which are determined for each client individually. Attention has been paid to the fact that the provision of emergency (crisis) social care services to the elderly does not involve drawing up an individual plan and concluding a contract, however, such a procedure is provided for in the event of a need to continue its provision.
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