social work, educational component, legal component of social work.Abstract
The article contains the analysis of the state of the legal component in educational programs for training specialists in the specialty 231 "Social Work". The purpose of the study was to characterize the legal component in the training of specialists in the specialty 231 "Social Work", to determine its importance in this process and to find out possible areas for its improvement. The review of the scientific literature showed that research in the area of this issue is being conducted, but their number currently is small. The analysis of the components within the educational programs has led to the conclusion that as for today, a rather limited number of credits are provided for the legal component for specialists in "Social Work". By taking it into account, there is a need to strengthen the legal training of social work specialists. This thesis was confirmed by sociological studies conducted by the Center for Social Research of Sumy State University in 2021 and 2023 on the expectations and readiness of employers for cooperation to train the social work specialists. Thus, in the 2021 study, 55.6% of experts noted that professional competencies in knowledge of legislative and regulatory documents in the specialty of social work are extremely important. In 2023, this figure increased to 66.6%. An element of novelty in the article is the proposal to introduce new approaches to the training of social work specialists in mastering the legal part of the educational and professional standards. This consists, in particular, in allocating more credits to the educational components of the legal direction. It is also proposed to strengthen the legal component with the following elements: introduction of additional legal disciplines as disciplines of students' free choice; mandatory inclusion in written qualification papers of sections analyzing the legal framework on the topic being researched; changing the approaches to staffing of teaching these disciplines, namely, involvement of professional lawyers with experience in the social sphere. As a possible option, the author proposes to develop and implement a universal educational component (discipline) of the legal direction for higher education institutions that train specialists in "Social Work".
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