extracurricular activity, self-development of the individual, social work, social worker, institution of professional preliminary education.Abstract
The role of extracurricular work in the formation and development of students has been studied. It was found that extracurricular activities have such features as freedom of choice and independence, development of creative abilities, increased motivation for learning and self-development. The conditions for the successful organization of selfdevelopment and self-education of students have been revealed. Among them are the availability of appropriate resources (material and informational), the availability of motivation and interest in self-development, the availability of support and assistance from teachers and administration, as well as the availability of a system of evaluation and recognition of the results of extracurricular activities. The essence of the concept of "extracurricular work" and the peculiarities of students' extracurricular activities have been revealed. The conditions for the successful organization of self-development and self-education of students have been determined. The scientific sources regarding the essence of self-development of the applicant of the institution of professional preliminary higher education were studied and the analysis of the scientific and theoretical basis of the problem of self-development of the personality was carried out. The extra-auditory activity of a future specialist in the social sphere is a conscious purposeful activity aimed at developing one's own individuality and awareness of professional direction. This activity is manifested in the understanding of the importance of professional activity and the presence of a persistent interest in the profession. It contributes to the enrichment of professional knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, as well as the formation of positive professional motivation. Extracurricular activities help future specialists in the social sphere independently determine their goals and ways to achieve them, develop creative abilities and self-realize in the professional sphere. It was found that extracurricular activities have such features as freedom of choice and independence, development of creative abilities, increased motivation for learning and self-development. The conditions for the successful organization of self-development and self-education of students include the availability of resources, motivation, support of teachers and an evaluation system. The essence of the self-development of the student of the professional preliminary higher education institution and its importance in the formation of professional skills were studied. So, the problem of personality self-development and the organization of students' extracurricular activities was studied, the conditions for successful self-development were determined, and the scientific and theoretical basis of this problem was analyzed. It was concluded that extracurricular work, especially with active student participation, is an important element of active learning, as it allows students to apply their knowledge in practice, develop teamwork and leadership skills, understand social problems and implement positive changes in their society.
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