professional training, student, institution of higher education, competitiveness, formation of competitiveness, research activity, educational and scientific center, organizational and pedagogical conditions.Abstract
The article reveals the leading theoretical and practical aspects of the modern interpretation of the essence of the competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions. The components, factors and approaches to the formation of the competitiveness of future specialists in the educational and scientific environment of higher education institutions are characterized. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the competitiveness of future specialists in the process of their involvement in scientific and research activities in the educational and scientific space of higher educational institutions and to reveal the practical component of this task on the example of the activities of educational and scientific centers at the Ternopil V. Hnatіuk National Pedagogical University. The need for a systematic approach to the formation of the competitiveness of students is substantiated. The forms of involvement of students in scientific research activities in educational and scientific centers, associations are characterized; the organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of the competitiveness of students in the educational and scientific space of higher education institutions are outlined. To ensure the reliability of provisions and conclusions, to achieve the goal, a complex of research methods was used: theoretical – study, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of information on Ukrainian and foreign websites, as well as research of publications in the Google Scholar electronic database. A theoretical and methodological analysis of the content of scientific definitions was carried out: competitiveness, factors of formation and indicators of the formation of competitiveness; a systematic approach to the formation of competitiveness; forms of involvement of students in research activities; organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the competitiveness of future specialists in the process of their involvement in research activities in the educational and scientific space of higher education institutions.
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