legal principles, social work, orphans deprived of parental careAbstract
The problem of ensuring social guarantees for orphans and children deprived of parental care is one of the most urgent problems of modern Ukrainian society. The relevance of the study is that more than 100,000 children are registered in Ukraine who are in difficult life circumstances and do not have parental care. Children deprived of parental care for one reason or another end up in orphanages or boarding-type institutions and most often find themselves in extremely unfavorable conditions for full development and successful socialization and are in a vulnerable position that can negatively affect their physical, emotional and social development . All this affects the current generation of children as a whole and will certainly affect future generations, which is of utmost importance today. This category of children needs special attention from social services and authorities, because their future depends on how effectively their social guarantees will be provided. Providing social guarantees requires a comprehensive approach to the support system, which would ensure their right to a dignified life and development. Based on the results of the analysis of the current state of the organization of social protection and provision of orphans and children deprived of parental care in developed countries, it is possible to conclude that there are a number of problematic issues in Ukraine that require attention and resolution. Among the problems, the following should be highlighted: imperfect legislation, insufficient financial support, an inefficient system of child care institutions and guardianship systems, insufficient attention to the individual needs of each child. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination between authorities and public organizations, to ensure a sufficient number of qualified workers in the field of social protection, and also to create an appropriate infrastructure for the maintenance of children. However, there are prospects for improving the legal basis of social work with orphans and children deprived of parental care in Ukraine: legislative reform, improvement of living conditions of children in institutions, and development of social support programs. It is important to develop programs of psychological and social support for children, as well as to provide multifaceted support to foster families. It is also necessary to simplify adoption and guardianship procedures to ensure faster finding of new families for children. Analysis of the legal basis of social work with orphans and children deprived of parental care in Ukraine requires a comprehensive view of the problem and systemic changes. It is important to combine the efforts of legal aid providers, public organizations, government structures and international organizations to ensure an effective system of social protection for these children. This requires the improvement of legislation, the development of social services, and the involvement of the public in matters of child rights protection.
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