fundraising, social work, history of fundraising, digitalization of fundraising, fundraising strategies, evolution of charityAbstract
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of fundraising in the context of social work, exploring its transition from traditional fundraising practices to modern strategies adapted to the digital age. It reflects the historical development of fundraising, highlighting key moments of transformation, including changes in methods, strategies, and the use of technology that have significantly expanded the possibilities of raising resources. The article describes the stages of fundraising development, from early forms of philanthropy to a professional and strategic approach in the modern context, with a focus on the impact of digitalization and globalization. The purpose of the paper is to examine in detail the evolution of fundraising, analyze its role in social work, and study the impact of modern digital technologies on fundraising strategies. Particular attention is paid to the comparative analysis of different definitions of fundraising, which demonstrate its evolution from simple fundraising to complex strategic activities. Through this research, the main trends that shape the current fundraising landscape are identified and their potential impact on the future of social work is assessed. The article is intended to provide social work and fundraising professionals, as well as other stakeholders, with a deep understanding of the development and current state of fundraising, providing insights into the use of innovative approaches to effectively raise resources. The research methodology is based on the analysis of scientific literature, historical data, and modern fundraising practices. The article uses a comparative analysis, systematization and generalization of existing approaches to fundraising with a focus on their evolution and innovative aspects. The scientific novelty is manifested in an integrated approach to analyzing the history and development of fundraising, identifying key trends and changes in the methods of attracting resources, especially in the context of the use of digital technologies. The author contributes to the understanding of how digitalization and globalization affect modern fundraising strategies, enriching the theoretical framework in this area. Conclusions. Fundraising as an element of social work has undergone a significant evolution, from simple forms of philanthropy to complex strategies that incorporate modern technologies. This development reflects changes in social needs and opportunities, offering new ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of social work. Adaptation to rapidly changing conditions, integration of the latest technologies and a strategic approach to fundraising will determine the future of fundraising, contributing to the sustainability and innovative development of social programs.
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