volunteering, volunteer activity, volunteer, social activity, student youthAbstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concepts of "volunteer", "volunteering", "volunteer activity" as a form of social activity of youth. It is determined that volunteering is a form of charity that a person carries out voluntarily, unselfishly and consciously, which is expressed through the personal provision of various social services and is based on the principles of legality, transparency, humanity, equality and is carried out to achieve socially significant goals. A classification of types of student volunteer activities is presented, namely: formal, informal volunteering, state, social, project and media volunteering. It is determined that such a type of public activity as involving students in volunteer work has advantages over educational and professional activities. An analysis of the educational and professional program "Social Assistance" of the first (bachelor's) level of education in the specialty 232 Social Security was carried out, which allowed to identify disciplines that include the study of the peculiarities of volunteering in social work. The attitude of future social workers to volunteering has been determined. According to the survey results, it was found that the purpose of volunteer activity of future social workers is "to provide assistance to persons with disabilities, sick, lonely, elderly and other persons who, due to their physical, material or other characteristics, need support and assistance"; "support for low-income, unemployed, large families, homeless persons in need of social assistance"; "assistance to persons who, due to their psychophysical disorders, are limited in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests"; "conducting activities related to environmental protection"; "organizing activities aimed at helping and supporting those who are in great need"; "providing various types of assistance to those in need", etc. The motivation of students to implement volunteer activities, as well as the personal traits that a volunteer should have, are determined.
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