social adaptation, students of higher education, adaptation to the educational process under martial law, educational process, social environment of the educational institution, social institutions, Faculty Student Council, Student Scientific Society, Youth CenterAbstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of social adaptation of students of higher education to the educational process in the conditions of martial law (on the example of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education of the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna). Modern approaches to defining the concepts of social adaptation, adaptation potential of an individual, and the environment of an educational institution have been specified. Difficulties faced by students of higher education in the process of social adaptation are singled out. A theoretical analysis of socio-psychological factors of adaptation was carried out and the main approaches to the interpretation of concepts were characterized. The question of socio-psychological strategies for supporting the adaptive potential of the individual in the conditions of military conflict is revealed. An analytical review of the educational, educational, and social environment of the educational institution and the specifics of their influence on those seeking higher education was carried out. Based on the theoretical analysis, it was determined that the social environment of the institution of higher education plays an important role in the process of social adaptation of students. This environment consists of various aspects, such as the culture of the institution, the relationship between students and teachers, as well as specially created prerequisites for social adaptation, in particular, it can be structural units and social institutions. On the basis of the conducted theoretical analysis, it was established that the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna at the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education provided a number of conditions and opportunities for the successful adaptation of first-year students in the conditions of war.As a result of the analysis, it was found that participation in such organizations as the Student Council of the Faculty, the Student Scientific Society and the Youth Center "START" gives students the opportunity to establish new contacts, develop communication skills and feel part of a larger community. This becomes a prerequisite for successful social adaptation and integration into the student environment. It has been found that participation in organizations such as the Faculty Student Council, the Student Scientific Society, and the START Youth Center provides students with the opportunity to make new contacts, develop communication skills, and feel part of a larger community. The role of volunteer and academic organizations is revealed, and it is determined that students have the opportunity to develop important skills such as leadership, organizational skills, teamwork and scientific research. It has been established that the creation of conditions for awareness of one's role in society and active participation in public life is facilitated by the "ACTION" National Patriotic Camp for student youth.
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