



volunteer activity, volunteer program, students, student volunteers, territorial community, social problems of the community, social activity, development of social activity, social project


Volunteer activity can be incredibly beneficial for students, as by engaging in it, they become providers of positive social changes in the community, which gives students valuable experience of civic service to a person, community, society. Participation in volunteer programs gives students the opportunity to develop various skills, such as communication, leadership, time management, and teamwork, which can be useful not only in their professional life but also in everyday situations. Volunteering allows students to meet new people, which can expand their circle of communication and help find new friends, or even mentors. By helping others, students can receive emotional satisfaction from realizing that their activity has a positive impact. This can improve their well-being and increase the level of motivation, which is especially important in wartime conditions. Volunteering experience can be an important addition to the resume, showing potential employers that the student is active, socially responsible, and has important practical skills. Volunteer activity often requires a creative approach and initiative, which can help students be ready to solve complex tasks in the future. Volunteering can be an important path and a truly powerful tool for the multifaceted development of students as individuals and make them active participants in social life. The authors of the article have actualized the role of volunteer activity in the development of social activity of students, the formation of important personal, civic, and professional qualities in them, defined the role of universities in attracting students to volunteer activity.


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How to Cite

ЛЯХ, Т., ЛЮТИЙ, В., & ЖУКОВ, В. (2024). VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS AS A WAY TO THEIR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN THE SOCIAL LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY. Humanitas, (3), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2024.3.10

