globalization, innovation, informatization, social technology, global modeling, global forecasting, social developmentAbstract
In the article, global social technologies are considered as knowledge methods and ways that contribute to the clarification of global trends in development, forecasting, prevention and resolution of social problems of a global scale, create conditions for the interconnection of global and local, relate to the livelihood and social security of people and can to cause radical social changes. It is noted that by the nature of solving tasks, they are universal, have a high scientific content, predict the final result and are a priority in the period of renewal of social systems. Attention is drawn to the fact that global social technologies play the role of a catalyst for solidarity and progress at the planetary level and, in modern conditions, are oriented towards the latest global trends, such as inclusiveness, informatization, intellectualization, innovation, digitalization, and environmentalization. Examples of such global social technologies as global modeling, global forecasting, blockchain technologies, smart cities and enterprises, social technologies of system stabilization, global modernization technologies, social technologies for global aging, crowdsourcing platforms, global online communities, virtual workplaces are given. places, etc. In the context of the use of digital technologies and social media in the context of globalization, the importance of social workers’ understanding of the possibility of a threat to compliance with many ethical standards during their use is outlined, which is emphasized in the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles. It is noted that the potential of global social technologies lies in the deepening of international social cooperation, the strengthening of advisory and expert activities in the social sphere, the use of priority resources, their balance, and the promotion of greater social justice on a global scale.
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