social work, social workers, theory of social work, psychology, societyAbstract
The article aims to carry out a theoretical analysis of the concept and features of aspects of social work. Also analyze the theoretical and practical work of Ukrainian and foreign researchers on the chosen topic. Find out and analyze the existing theories of social work. The following methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific literature, carried out in order to determine the state of development of the researched problem; generalization, abstraction and systematization, principles of the system-activity approach in general psychology and sociology, general sociological ideas about social work in Ukraine and abroad, and theories of social work. The study of modern theoretical aspects of social work consists in a thorough analysis of research and publications of Ukrainian and foreign scientists and their conclusions from the chosen field. The specifics of the term "social work" were defined and theoretically clarified for the first time, and these concepts were classified. Psychological and sociological prerequisites, factors and mechanisms of functioning of social work in Ukraine and abroad are disclosed. The research is focused not only on the problem of theoretical analysis of the features of social work, but reveals broader concepts, such as the analysis of the structure and elements of social work, theories of social work in the paradigm of scientific research, theoretical models of social work, analysis of legislative acts that provide legal grounds for implementation of social work in Ukraine, analysis of the features of social work in the conditions of Russia's war with Ukraine, etc. Based on scientific research, it was established that social work is a professional activity aimed at helping individuals, families, groups and communities to overcome social difficulties and improve their well-being. Social work includes the provision of psychological support, social assistance, counseling, advocacy and other forms of support that contribute to social adaptation and integration, providing access to necessary resources and services. This activity is based on the principles of social justice, human rights and respect for human dignity. Social work is based on a rich theoretical basis, which includes psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, systemic, ecological, and other approaches.
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