social information, historical and pedagogical changes, social development.Abstract
The article presents a retrospective analysis of the problem of the formation of social experience of the younger generation from ancient times to the 17th century. It is established that the historical stages of the formation of society are considered in the general context of the theory and practice of education of the individual and are associated with the formation of social qualities in a young person. It is proven that the main source of research into the dynamics of the processes of formation of social experience of the individual is the historical and pedagogical practice of the people regarding the preparation of young generations for independent life, and the first form of social and pedagogical knowledge is folk pedagogy. On the basis of archival and scientific research, the processes of youth development through the necessary mechanisms of social interaction between the younger generation are analyzed. The rich social evidence of past generations, collections from the works of ancient folk creativity, is considered to be evidence of folk philosophy, which gives further indications about their social and pedagogical space. The analysis has been made of the peculiarities of agents of social influx as bearers of ethical views, culture, people, and national character, resulting from the process of interaction with other people consistent with principles and norms, as if to panic at the singing union. Revealed socio-pedagogical sense of the awakening of the socio-cultural space at various stages of historical development in the wake of democracy, morality, the enormous directness of the enlightenment process, the presentation of enlightenment, science, the understanding of their visible susp of great importance as a mechanism for the formation of social and special information. A summary has been drawn up about the fact that the social and pedagogical potential of the process of forming social education is based on the potential of society, which is both in addition to specialness and historical strength, and is the basis of social The real development of mutual interests, interests and needs of particularity in collective and subjective evidence suspension processes.
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