domestic violence, gender-based violence, Sustainable Development Goals, «Great Challenges to Social Work».Abstract
The problem of domestic violence in the context of global challenges to social work is analyzed in the article. It is shown that domestic violence remains a widespread problem which is exacerbated through global crises such as poverty, migration, wars and conflicts, pandemics, climate change, etc. It is noted that the problem of domestic violence does not have geographical, cultural, economical and other boundaries, hindering the progressive development of society. The connection of the problem of domestic violence with Sustainable Development Goals and «Great Challenges to Social Work» are highlighted in the article, where global social problems are analyzed and ways to solve them are proposed. Although the domestic violence is not directly mentioned in these documents, it is noted that its causes are often poverty, financial opportunities inequality, social isolation, gender inequality, intolerance, etc. In order to achieve sustainable development, it is emphasized that the tasks for the modern world are to achieve peace and security, to overcome poverty and gender inequality, to protect the environment, to build sustainable communities, etc. In «Great Challenges to Social Work» is shown a negative impact of gender inequality, unequal access to education and medicine, a gap in financial opportunities, absence of equality for the social well-being of individuals and families. Therefore, this is one of the key problems for the social assistance system, since its overcoming requires not only clear regulatory and legislative regulations, but also effective mechanisms for responding to the facts of violence and helping to victims. It is possible through the coordination of efforts of various structures and organizations such as central and local executive authorities, the National Police, courts, prosecutor’s offices, social and specialized support services, educational and medical institutions to effectively combat domestic violence and to attract a wide range of specialists to assist victims. It is indicated that effective counteraction to domestic violence requires cooperation between different institutions as police, medical institutions, courts, social services and non-governmental organizations. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that leads to a violation of the social functioning of a person, harms physical and mental health and can cause a death. Although it takes place primarily at the family level (micro level), it is also a macro problem that requires intervention at all levels of social work.
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