model, interaction, Cyberspace, youth, InternetAbstract
This article presents an analysis of identified and researched models of youth interaction in Cyberspace, their systematization and description. The research has shown that one of the main areas, which improve Internet search, help users to weed out unnecessary and harmful information and promote comfortable communication with each other, are namely models of youth interaction in Cyberspace. As there are more and more of them lately, it is important to choose the own model, learn to recognize in time and coexist comfortably with others. Therefore, the aim of the study is to identify new and systematize existing models of youth interaction in Cyberspace, because namely on the Internet, the highest achievements of the person are combined with the primitive instincts of his personality and such a desirable new way of self-expression and communication appears, where you can pretend to be who you want and show your emotions, which will remain out of control. Social distancing is becoming more widespread among youth, so modern Internet users are adapting their behavior to the new virtual reality after the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong social ties are a great reason for more intensive communication, which is implemented with all available media resources at any time and regardless of location. As a result, many new forms and models of interaction have emerged, especially among young people. The topic of the article is characterized by significant novelty and a substantial lack of research, compared to foreign ones. The authors cited, described and systematized examples of existing models of youth interaction in Cyberspace, depending on the motivation of using the Internet, the behavior, goals and objectives of users, gave advice regarding some of them. In addition, the authors suggested their own model of youth interaction in Cyberspace.
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