professional training of specialists of social work, model, principles, functions, forms, methods, components, criteria, social servicesAbstract
The article actualizes the necessity of developing the model of professional training of future specialists of social work to provide social services. The goal of this article is to substantiate a model of professional training of future specialists of social work to provide social services. Approaches to the understanding of the concept of “model” are analyzed, which we consider as a graphically represented system of training of a specialist, which can be modified and upgraded depending on changes of conditions and demands of society. Taking into account the notes of the labor market and the specifics of professional training of social sphere specialists in the higher institutions, the structural-functional model of professional training of future specialists of social work to provide social services was developed. The construction of our model of professional training of future specialists of social work to provide social services should be based on the basis of using the general principles of modeling and the principles of professional training of specialists of social work. The aim of the model is to form the readiness of future specialists of social work to provide social services. The object of the model is the organization of the process of training of future specialists of social work to provide social services in the community. The model performs the following functions: educational (providing a system of knowledge about the essence of social services, applying the acquired knowledge and skills in practice; developmental (acquisition of knowledge is organically connected with a certain level of personal and professional development of a future social work practitioner, which contributes to the formation of his attitudes, motives, values, commitment to purposeful professional activity and the provision of social services in the community). The model is based on four interlocking blocks: target, which characterizes the goals and objectives of training; semantic, which reveals its content; activity, which considers the forms, methods and technologies of training of specialists of social work. The result of the presented model is an increase in the level of professional readiness of future specialists of social work to provide social services. The criterion for the effectiveness of the presented model is the formation of the appropriate level of criteria of professional readiness of future specialists of social work to the specified type of activity.
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