adherence, HIV status, antiretroviral therapy, people living with HIV, adolescents living with HIV, center for HIV-infected children and youth, influencing factorsAbstract
The article reveals the influencing factors that contribute to the formation of conscious adherence in adolescents living with HIV to antiretroviral therapy. The results of sociological research are summarized, which cover the analysis of the reasons for discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy and discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV and summarize scientific papers, which describe the features of adherence to therapy in adolescents living with HIV. The results of a questionnaire survey conducted in the community of the NGO “Adolescents of Ukraine” with adolescents living with HIV are presented. The problems and difficulties faced by adolescents living with HIV are outlined. The results of in-depth interviews with specialists of the Kyiv City Right Bank Center for HIV-infected children and youth to identify key factors influencing the formation of conscious adherence to antiretroviral therapy are presented. It is determined that among the factors influencing the formation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy in adolescents living with HIV are: early informing children about their status; special attention is paid to the formation of attachment in adolescents, as the group with the highest risks of separation from therapy in early adulthood; taking into account age peculiarities when disclosing a child’s HIV status; increasing the number of peer-to-peer groups; social and psychological support of adolescents; support and counseling and social support for parents, guardians of HIV-infected adolescents; explanatory and informational work with the adolescent on the effectiveness of treatment; support of the teenager in case of manifestations of side effects from reception of therapy; favorable and trusting social environment; taking into account the lifestyle of the adolescent, his individual lifestyle; prevention of risky behavior among adolescents living with HIV; combating stigma and discrimination on the basis of HIV status.
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