



inclusive education, children with special educational needs, habilitation, habilitation competence of parents


The aim of the article is to identify and scientifically substantiate the content of the concept of "habilitation competence of parents" of children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education. To implement this task was carried out: – theoretical analysis of special psychological and pedagogical literature and the latest scientific research on the problem of research of domestic and foreign scientists; legislation on the implementation of inclusive education; – analysis of documentary data to identify current problems of inclusive education; – terminological analysis of scientific sources to reveal the meaning of the concepts "habilitation", "parental competence", "habilitation competence"; – classification and comparison to outline the levels of parental competence. The publication analyzes the domestic experience of implementing inclusive education in school practice. Theoretical analysis outlines current issues and issues that need to be addressed urgently. The semantic aspect of the concept of "habilitation competence of parents" of children with special educational needs is determined. The levels of formation of parental competence are outlined. The indicators of the formed habilitation competence are determined. Conclusions. The study revealed that the leading factor in the successful implementation of inclusive education is the involvement of parents in this process. It was found that the readiness of parents to be included in educational inclusion is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed. It was found that parents' awareness of their own role and responsibility in the process of inclusion is due to the formation of their habilitation competence. We consider habilitation competence as one that allows parents to provide quality care for the child, effectively build the process of its development, to carry out corrective measures taking into account the peculiarities of his health, age and personality. It was found that parental willingness to cooperate depends on the level of formation of their habilitation competence. Indicators of the formed habilitation competence of parents are: the ability of parents to initiate activity in case of a negative result; activity aimed at the process of upbringing and development of the child; the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions in the process. The study does not cover all aspects of the problem, the prospect of further research, in our opinion, are questions of practical ways to form a high level of ablation competence of parents of children with special educational problems.


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How to Cite

ІВАЩЕНКО, К. (2022). HABILITATION COMPETENCE OF PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: CONTENT ASPECT. Humanitas, (6), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2021.6.2

