



bullying, violence, aggression, mobbing, harassment, cyberbullying, teenager


The article considers the problem of bullying of adolescents in the educational environment in general secondary education, the causes and conditions of its occurrence. The main legal document of the country is presented, which regulates aspects of protection of both children and workers from various forms of violence in general secondary education institutions. The analysis of scientific views of scientists on the problem of bullying, which is closely related to such concepts as violence, aggression, cyberbullying. Attention is paid to pedagogical, social, legal aspects of the researched problem. It is emphasized that bullying is a systematic deliberate act of committing psychological, physical, economic, sexual violence, including the use of mobile phones and the Internet against students against other participants in the educational environment in general secondary education, as a consequence such actions are causing mental and physical harm. The results of the survey conducted to determine the level of knowledge on protection against violence and bullying in general secondary education are presented. Possibilities of overcoming bullying among teenagers are revealed. Attention is drawn to the fact that work on overcoming adolescent violence requires effective ways to prevent it. It is argued that in order to prevent bullying, there is a need for clear, targeted and coordinated work between the general secondary school administration, the social worker, the school officer and others. It is proved that an effective way to prevent violence, including among adolescents is the project "Protect yourself Fest", the necessary components of which are measures to improve knowledge and skills of psychological, physical, medical, informational prevention of antisocial behavior with the basics of legal knowledge. Classes involve learning constructive ways of behaving in conflict situations in the educational environment in the school environment. The obtained data raise an important problem of overcoming bullying among adolescents, which is relevant for research in the field of social and pedagogical science.


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How to Cite

МІЛІНЧУК, С. (2021). BULLYING AS AN URGENT PROBLEM OF SOCIAL WORK: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Humanitas, (2), 24–29. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2021.2.4

