


competence, professional competence, social worker, skills, structure, components


The article highlights the essence of the concepts of "competent", "professional competence". It is noted that a social worker should combine both professional and personal competencies. The distinctive features of the formation of professional (professional) competencies from the general ones are given: it takes place only with the help of disciplines of the professional cycle; mandatory training and internships. It is established that in the definitions of the concept of professional competence, domestic and foreign scientists point to its components. Their opinions on the components of the structure of professional competence mostly coincide. The structure of personal development of a social worker is considered. The generalization of the opinions of scientists allowed to consider the professional competence of a social worker in the following aspects: topical, active mental development of the individual; personal and professional characteristics; professional abilities of the specialist; the result of specialist education. Taking into account the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, a theoretical model of formation of professional competence of a social worker has been developed, consisting of the following components: target, motivational, functional, meaningful, activity and resultcorrective. Synthesizing the results of the study, identified shortcomings in the training of future social workers in the context of the problem (the problem of designing an educational route based on the proposals of employers and students; the problem of training teachers to organize the educational process within the competence approach; organization of meaningful practice of students in various institutions of the social sphere; insufficient level of formation of social and project competencies).


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