adaptation, internally displaced persons, experiment, internal conflict, social problems, metamorphoses, war.Abstract
The aim of the work is to metamorphose the psychological and social adaptation of internally displaced persons, as their study can be the basis for the development of various programs and trainings aimed at accelerating the process of adaptation. The issue of social and psychological metamorphoses of internally displaced persons is particularly relevant in Ukraine, as hostilities in the east and annexation of Crimea have caused significant displacement of the population of these regions to other areas since 2014, and Russia's full-scale invasion of our country on February 24, 2022 the need to study the metamorphoses of the internal and external state of people, as a result of their further forced movement. There was a deep internal conflict not only among the displaced, but also among the people who remained in the city, as part of the social ties and communications established and developed over a long period of time were lost as a result of the aggressor's attack. In our opinion, the scientific novelty is that one of the effective ways to accelerate the metamorphosis of social and psychological adaptation of internally displaced persons to the new environment is to restore the usual way of life, approach it and the usual way of using social contacts. issues, economic, household, personal. The concentration of internally displaced persons varies across the subjects of Ukraine, but the metamorphoses of their social and psychological adaptation are relevant for all regions of the country and the whole Ukrainian society. We believe that paying attention to the role of resolving internal conflict in the process of restoring the efficiency of life and activity, life of internally displaced persons and accelerating the process of their metamorphosis of adaptation and recovery is a promising direction in addressing this issue. An experimental study was conducted on the basis of a community center for IDPs, the final results of which are presented in the article.
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