



bullying, youth work, EDC / HRE, social anomie, social work, suicidal behavior


The analytical article presents author’s attempt to reflect on the educational and youth policy, techniques and practices of socio-pedagogical activities implemented in Ukraine to ensure comprehensive and harmonious development and social integration of Generation Z. It is suggested that TV projects «First Swallows» and «Stop the Earth» raise the issue of compliance of centennials’ public and generational demands with the extent and degree of their understanding, awareness and satisfaction by relevant agents and social institutions. It is noted that the social background of Ukrainian centennials’ development was a troubled childhood of the late 90’s – early 2000’s, which was characterized by growing up in a «post-Soviet» society, reproduction of outdated social structures and institutions, «shock without therapy.» Today’s Generation Z are developing in a dual institutional system, mass anomic demoralization and mass social exclusion. Therefore, Ukrainian centennials are characterized by hedonistic aspirations and consumer attitudes, irresponsibility and incompetence in everyday life, selfishness, high level of pragmatism and often unfounded ambitions, lack of social norms, social alienation and individualism, risky behavior and insufficiently formed social qualities. The author cites low awareness of the value of life, violent models of interaction and intolerance of otherness as indicators of the social loss of Generation Z. Difficult social situation and unconstructive models of upbringing lead to their ideological limitations, conformism, and total infantilism, especially in socially depressed regions of Ukraine. According to the author, the problem can be resolved by means of activation of factors and tools of youth’s social development – overcoming primitiveness, and sometimes – insignificance or fictitiousness of their social experience, gaining proactive, positive attitudes, forming new constructs of measurement through their involvement in the broadest context of this definition.


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How to Cite

ALOKHIN М. (2022). «FIRST SWALLOWS» CENTENNIALS: GENERATION LOST. SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTEXT. Humanitas, (3), 3–10. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2022.3.1

