dialogic speech, children of preschool age, speech disorders, socializationAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance of studying the process of formation and development of dialogic speech in preschool children with normotypical and impaired development of speech activity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of an experimental study of the formation of dialogic speech as a condition for the successful socialization of children with speech disorders. It is indicated that the formed, correct speech is one of the most important conditions for the normotypical mental development of a person as an individual. The lack of speech communication in preschool children significantly delays the continuous and multifaceted process of socialization that lasts throughout a person’s life. One of the main directions of the process of education and upbringing of preschoolers with speech disorders is their social adaptation. It is necessary not only to overcome speech disorders in children, but also to prepare them for school, to form skills and abilities that will allow them to take an active part in the learning process. An important condition for successful learning at school is the ability to actively engage in speech interaction and express oneself proactively during communication. These types of communication skills allow you to receive information and establish relationships with people around you. As part of the experimental work, artificial communicative situations with rich dialogue were created, which made it possible to obtain the child’s speech production without coercion and in real conditions of activity. Based on the specified criteria and indicators, the levels of formation of dialogic skills of younger preschoolers with speech disorders were determined: high, sufficient, basic, elementary. The analysis of the experimental study convincingly indicated that the motive and need of younger preschoolers with speech disorders to engage in dialogue is mainly interest, the nature of the motive is cognitive and social and everyday communication.
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