addictive behavior, addiction, risk factors, prevention, student, higher education institutionAbstract
The purpose of the study presented in the article is to determine the factors that increase the risk of forming addictive behavior of higher education institutions students. It is theoretically substantiated that the formation of addictive behavior during study at a higher education institution may be associated with difficulties in adapting to learning, complicated problems in the family and informal environment. Signs of trouble in various spheres of students’ life have been identified, which may indicate the risk of their deviant behavior: conflicts in the family, formal and informal groups and with teachers, loneliness and lack of support from others, lack of motivation to learn and excessive learning loads. The results of an empirical study, which involved an anonymous survey of university students using Google Forms and statistical analysis of the data obtained, are presented. The study demonstrated the presence of significant correlations between general indicators of family, friendships and university distress, as well as low rates of friendliness and emotional stability determined using the TIPI UKR methodology, and the degree of risk of forming student addictive behavior. It has been proven that the risk of the formation of addictive behavior is associated with overload of work and study against the background of emotional instability in conditions that the student does not receive proper support in the family and in an informal environment. Recommendations for the prevention of addictive behavior of students in higher education institutions are presented: systematic research aimed at identifying risk factors for its formation in a particular institution, the formation of students’ skills of rational organization of education, formation of a positive psychological climate in student groups and creation of conditions for active leisure, introduction of student employment in forms compatible with learning, establishment of a system of social and psychological support for students who face personal problems, conducting trainings on the formation of successful coping strategies, the development of communicative skills and self-control skills of the emotional state.
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